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🔜--🛠 ↕-🎭 🛠, ⏩ 👨‍🏫 & 🛠.

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📄: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com

ℹ 📟: https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi

FastAPI — 👉 🏛, ⏩ (↕-🎭) 🕸 🛠 🏗 API ⚙️ Python 3.6+, ❔ ⚓️ 🔛 🐩 🆎 ✍ Python.

🔑 👨‍👩‍👦:

  • 🚅: 📶 ↕ 🎭, 🎚 NodeJS & Go (👏 Starlette и Pydantic). 1⃣ ⏩ 🛠 Python.
  • 🛠 🚅: 📈 🛠 🚅 🔃 2⃣0⃣0⃣–300%. *
  • 👩‍❤‍👨 ❌: ❎ 🔃 4⃣0⃣% 🔢 ❌ 💬 👨‍💼 (👨‍🔬). *
  • 🏋️: 👍 👨‍🎨 🏥. 🚙 🛠 🌐. 🌘 🛠 🕰.
  • 🔥: 🔧 ⏩ ⚙️ & ☠️. 🌘 🕰 📘 📄.
  • 🍶: ❎ 📟 🔁. 💞 📣 🔢 🆔 📚 🔢. 👩‍❤‍👨 ❌.
  • : 🤚 📟 🔜 👷. ⏮ 🏧 🏧 📄.
  • 🐩-⚓️: ⚓️ 🔛 🈺 🐩 API & 🍕 🔗 ⏮ 👫: OpenAPI (💭 💭 Swagger) и JSON Schema.

* 🔬 ⚓️ 🔛 🔬 🔗 🏉 👨‍🔬 🏗 🏭 🈸.


💞 💰


"👤 ✔️ ⚙️ 📚 👂 ⏳ FastAPI. [...] 👐, 👤 📆 ⚙️ 👉 🌐 🎰 🎓 🛃 👇 🏉 Microsoft. 👫 🛠 🔘 👑 🏷 Windows, & — 🏷 Office."

Kabir Khan - Microsoft (ref)

"👥 ⚙️ 🗃 FastAPI 🏗 💽 REST, ❔ 👆 💪 ⚒ ✔ 🤚 🌦. [〰 Ludwig]"

Piero Molino, Yaroslav Dudin, and Sai Sumanth Miryala - Uber (ref)

"Netflix 👤 🙏 📣 🚀 🈺 ℹ 🛠 🎶 ☣ 🛠: Dispatch! [🏗 ⏮ FastAPI]"

Kevin Glisson, Marc Vilanova, Forest Monsen - Netflix (ref)

"👤 ⚡️ 😄 ⏮ FastAPI. 👉 💗 🎊 ❗"

Brian Okken - Python Bytes podcast host (ref)

"💛, ⚫️❔ 👆 ✔️ 🏗 👀 📶 🌝 & 🇵🇱. 📚 🌌, 👤 💚 Hug 💖 👈 — 👉 🤙 😍 🕐❔ 🕴 🏗 😍 💖 👉."

Timothy Crosley - Hug creator (ref)

"🚥 👆 💚 👨‍🏫 🏛 🛠 🏗 REST API, ✅ 😱 FastAPI [...] 👉 ⏩, ⏩ & ⏩ 👨‍🏫 [...]"

"👥 🔀 FastAPI 👨‍👩‍👦 API [...] 👤 💭 👆 🔜 💖 👉 💁‍♂️ [...]"

Ines Montani - Matthew Honnibal - Explosion AI founders - spaCy creators (ref) - (ref)

Typer, 🕹 👯 🔣 FastAPI

🚥 👆 🏗 🈸 CLI ⚙️ 🗼 ⏭ 🕸-API, ✅ 😱 Typer.

Typer — 👦 👬 FastAPI. & 👉 🎯 ⚙️ 🕹 👯 🔣 FastAPI. ⌨️ 🚀


Python 3.6+

FastAPI 👥 🔛 ⌚ 🐙:

$ pip install fastapi

---> 100%

👆 🔜 🆘 💽 ASGI 🏭, ✅ Uvicorn ⚖️ Hypercorn.

$ pip install "uvicorn[standard]"

---> 100%



  • 🏗 📂 main.py ⏮ 📄 🎚:
from typing import Union

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}

def read_item(item_id: int, q: Union[str, None] = None):
    return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q}
⚖️ ⚙️ async def... 🚥 👆 📟 ⚙️ `async` / `await`, ⚙️ `async def`: ```Python hl_lines="9⃣ 14" from typing import Union from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def read_root(): return {"Hello": "World"} @app.get("/items/{item_id}") async def read_item(item_id: int, q: Union[str, None] = None): return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q}

🚥 👆 🚫 💭, ✅ 📄 _"👆 🏃 ❓"_ <a href="https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/async/#in-a-hurry" target="_blank">📄 🔃 `async` и `await`</a>.


### 🚀

▶ 💽 ⚙️:

<div class="termy">

$ uvicorn main:app --reload

INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Started reloader process [28720]
INFO:     Started server process [28722]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
🔃 🏉 uvicorn main:app --reload... 🏉 `uvicorn main:app` 🗨 : * `main`: 📂 `main.py` (🕹 Python). * `app`: 🎚 🏗 🔘 `main.py` ⚙️ 🎻 `app = FastAPI()`. * `--reload`: 🔁 💽 ⏮ 🔀 📟. 👉 🕴 ↗️ 🛠.
### ✅ 🈺 🖥 🔛 👆 🔜 👀 📄 JSON ❔:
{"item_id": 5, "q": "somequery"}
👆 ✔️ ⏪ 🏗 API, ❔: * 🤚 HTTP-✔ _↖_ `/` & `/items/{item_id}`. * 👯‍♂️ 🥇 & 🥈 _🌌_ ⚙️ `GET` 🛠 (💭 HTTP _👩‍🔬_). * _🌌_ `/items/{item_id}` ✔️ _↖ 🔢_ `item_id`, ❔ 🔜 `int`. * _🌌_ `/items/{item_id}` ✔️ ➕ `str` _✔ 🔢_ `q`. ### 🏧 📄 🔛 API 🚶 👆 🔜 👀 🏧 🏧 📄 API (🚚 Swagger UI): ![Swagger UI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/index/index-01-swagger-ui-simple.png) ### 🉑 📄 API & 😀 🚶 👆 🔜 👀 🉑 🏧 📄 (🚚 ReDoc): ![ReDoc](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/index/index-02-redoc-simple.png) ## 📊 🔧 😀 🔀 📂 `main.py`, 🤚 🆘 💪 ⚪️➡️ `PUT` ✔. 📣 💪 ⚙️ 🐩 ⌨ Python, 👏 Pydantic. ```Python hl_lines="4⃣ 9-12 25-27" from typing import Union from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel app = FastAPI() class Item(BaseModel): name: str price: float is_offer: Union[bool, None] = None @app.get("/") def read_root(): return {"Hello": "World"} @app.get("/items/{item_id}") def read_item(item_id: int, q: Union[str, None] = None): return {"item_id": item_id, "q": q} @app.put("/items/{item_id}") def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item): return {"item_name": item.name, "item_id": item_id}
💽 🔜 💾 🔁 (↩️ 👆 ➕ `--reload` 🏉 `uvicorn` 🔝).

### 🏧 📄 🔧 API

🚶  <a href="" class="external-link" target="_blank"></a>.

* 🏧 📄 API 🔜 🔁 🔧, 🔌 🆕 💪:

![Swagger UI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/index/index-03-swagger-02.png)

* 🖊 🔛 "Try it out", 👉 🔜 🚫 👆 🍷 🔢 & 🔗 🔙 ⏮ API:

![Swagger UI interaction](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/index/index-04-swagger-03.png)

* ⤴ 🖊 "Execute", 👩‍💻 🔣 🔜 📧 👆 API, 🔜 📨 🔢, 🤚 🏁 & 🖥 👫 🔛 🖥:

![Swagger UI interaction](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/index/index-05-swagger-04.png)

### 🉑 📄 🔧 API

& 😀 🚶  <a href="" class="external-link" target="_blank"></a>.

* 🉑 📄 🔜 🤔 🆕 🔢 & ✔ 💪.:


### ➡️ 🔬 🏁

👆 📣 **🕐** 🔢 🆎, 💪, ♒️. 🔢 🔢.

👆 👉 ⚙️ 🐩 🏛 ⌨ Python.

👆 🚫 🆘 👨‍🏫 🆕 ⁉, 👩‍🔬 ⚖️ 🏫 🎯 🗃, ♒️.

🐩 🕴 **Python 3.6+**.

📊,  `int`:

item_id: int
⚖️ 💗 🏗 👙 `Item`:
item: Item
... & ⏮ 👉 👁 🙂📛 👆 🤚: * 👨‍🎨 🏥, 🔌: * 🚙 🛠. * 🆎 ☑. * 💽 🛠: * 🏧 & 🆑 ❌ 🕐❔ 📐 ❌. * ☑ 🙇 🔁 🎚 JSON. * 🌐 🔣 💽: 👟 ⚪️➡️ 🕸 🎚 Python ⏮ 🍾 🆎. 📙 ⚪️➡️: * JSON. * ↖ 🔢. * ✔ 🔢. * Cookies. * 📰. * 📄. * 📂. * 🌐 🔣 📐: 🎚 🌐 Python 📐 🚥 🌇 🕸 (✅ JSON): * 🆎 🛠 Python (`str`, `int`, `float`, `bool`, `list`, ♒️.). * 🎚 `datetime`. * 🎚 `UUID`. * 💽 👙. * ...& 💗 🌖. * 🏧 🏧 📄 🔛 API, ✅ 2⃣ 🉑 👩‍💻 🔣: * Swagger UI. * ReDoc. --- 🤕 🔙 ⌛️ 📟 📊, **FastAPI** 🔜 : * ✅ 🚚 `item_id` 🌌 ✔ `GET` и `PUT`. * ✅ 👈 `item_id` ✔️ 🆎 `int` ✔ `GET` и `PUT`. * 🚥 👉 🚫 💼, 👩‍💻 🔜 👀 ⚠ 🆑 ❌. * ✅ 🚥 📤 ➕ ✔ 🔢 ⏮ 📛 `q` (📊, ``) 〰 `GET` ✔. * ↩️ 🔢 `q` 📣 ⏮ `= None`, 👉 ➕. * 🚫 `None` 👉 🔜 💪 (💪 💼 `PUT`). * 〰 `PUT` ✔ `/items/{item_id}` 📘 💪 JSON: * ✅ 👈 👉 ✔️ 🚫 🔢 `name`, ❔ 🔜 `str`. * ✅ 👈 👉 ✔️ 🚫 🔢 `price`, ❔ 🔜 `float`. * ✅ 👈 👉 ✔️ ➕ 🔢 `is_offer`, ❔ 🔜 `bool`, 🚥 👉 🎁. * 🌐 👉 🔜 👷 🙇 🐦 🎚. JSON. * 🗜 ⚪️➡️ & JSON 🔁. * 📄 ⏮ OpenAPI 🌐 👈 💪 ⚙️: * 🏧 📄 ⚙️. * 🏧 👩‍💻 📟 ⚡ ⚙️ 📚 🇬🇧. * 🔜 🚚 2⃣ 🏧 📄 🕸 🔣 🔙. --- 👥 ✔️ 🕴 🕳 ⤵ 🍖, ✋️ 👆 ✔️ ⏪ 💭 😱 ❔ 👉 🌐 👷. 🔄 🔀 🎻 ⏮:
    return {"item_name": item.name, "item_id": item_id}
        ... "item_name": item.name ...
        ... "item_price": item.price ...
... & 👀 ❔ 👆 👨‍🎨 🔜 🔁 🍷 🔢 & 🤔 👫 🆎: ![editor support](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/img/vscode-completion.png) 💗 🏁 📊 ⏮ ➕ 🔢, 👀 🔰 - 👩‍💻 👩‍🌾. **🚘 🚨**: 👩‍💻 👩‍🌾 🔌: * 📣 **🔢** ⚪️➡️ 💞 🥉, ✅: **🎚**, **cookies**, **📄 🏑** & **📂**. * ❔ 🔆 **⚠ ✅** ✅ `maximum_length` ⚖️ `regex`. * 📶 🏋️ & ⏩--⚙️ ⚙️ **👨📛 🛠**. * 💂‍♂ & 🤝, 🔌 🏥 **OAuth2** ⏮ **🔑 JWT** & **HTTP Basic** 🤝. * 💗 🏧 (✋️ 🙃 👌) 👩‍🔬 📣 **🙇 🐦 👙 JSON** (👏 Pydantic). * **GraphQL** 🛠 ⏮ Strawberry & 💞 🗃. * 📚 ➕ 👨‍👩‍👦 (👏 Starlette), ✅ : * **🕸 🔌** * 📶 👌 🔬 ⚓️ 🔛 `requests` и `pytest` * **CORS** * **Cookie 💬 (💬)** * ...& 💗 🌖. ## 🔆 ⚖ 🔬 TechEmpower 🕢 🈸 **FastAPI**, 👷 🌂 🛠 Uvicorn, ❔ 1⃣ ⏩ 🛠 💪 Python, 🥈 🕴 👫 Starlette и Uvicorn (⚙️ 🔘 FastAPI). (*) 👨‍🏫 💗 🔃 👉, 👀 🎭 🔬. ## ➕ 👨📛 ⚙️ Pydantic: * ujson - ⏩ JSON "🔢". * email_validator - ✅ 👆 📧. ⚙️ Starlette: * requests - ✔ 🚥 👆 💚 ⚙️ `TestClient`. * jinja2 - ✔ 🚥 👆 💚 ⚙️ 🔢 📄 🔗. * python-multipart - 🔜 🚥 👆 💚 🚧 👔 "🔢" ⏮ 🆘 `request.form()`. * itsdangerous - ✔, 🏥 `SessionMiddleware`. * pyyaml - ✔, 🏥 `SchemaGenerator` Starlette (🎲 👆 🚫 🆘 👉 ⏮ FastAPI). * ujson - ✔ 🚥 👆 💚 ⚙️ `UJSONResponse`. ⚙️ FastAPI / Starlette: * uvicorn - 💽 👈 ⏬ & 🚧 👆 🈸. * orjson - ✔ 🚥 👆 💚 ⚙️ `ORJSONResponse`. 👆 💪 🔧 🌐 👉 ⏮ `pip install "fastapi[all]"`. ## 🛂 👉 🏗 🚮 🌂 ⚖ 🛂 MIT.